Drayp UI-UX
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“We have tried to tackle actual practical problems faced by our creative community rather than coming up with just another software.”
Designing a single screen with maximum utility and an optimized user journey that enhances the product's intrinsic value — all within the convenience of a few clicks.
The large goal that informed Drayp's product and service was to create uniqueness by creating a real community of creative people who use Drayp's digital product(s). Rather than selling a service, the branding and communication styled aimed at creating a sense of belonging. So, what was the roadmap achieve that? How do you both surprise and delight a community who could use products like this for a living? What enhances your product perception? The foundation lay in pivotal product and service decisions: a free-to-use cloud service as an entry point, watermark access to all mock-up images, seamless drag-and-drop functionality, a plethora of mock-up options, and notably, a simple request for an email address to receive these mock-ups. These decisions were meticulously chosen to entice users to return. The outcome? A straightforward, single-screen product that magically transforms an ordinary service into something extraordinary. Drayp as a product was then designed as a one screen workstation. Choose your mock-ups from the right pannel, upload your designs using the left and pick your favourites and receive their mock-ups straight to their inbox.
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