Infinite Website
"How can I design to create a sense of privacy and sensitivity for users? To make complex issues feel relevant and accessible?"
To enable individuals to achieve their goals, according to their ideal timelines — by challenging traditional, biological science and societal understanding of it.
"What lies at the heart of this design opportunity is a deep desire to make complex issues feel relevant and accessible."
A fundamental question guiding our work was, "What features and information should be prioritized to enhance the user experience?" In India, Egg Freezing is often shrouded in misconceptions. Infinite seeks to empower individuals with the choice to secure their fertility. How? Finite Score, a unique assessment of the current fertility status, to support an informative decision, and seamless holistic (medical and emotional) supervised egg freezing to extend their natural fertility window. "Most women are unaware of the concept and the need to plan it timely to preserve their fertility journey better. Infinite intends to give them the freedom to choose egg freezing to secure their future,” as Infinite says. A key finding in our research was establishing relevance of the service for every onlooker. To reflect this in the UX, we chose to share a relevant insight to establish the relevance of egg freezing for onlookers — female and male. This acted as the threshold for intrest and audience retention. Amid the challenge of relevance, we also addressed the potential for users to feel overwhelmed by the complexities of egg freezing and fertility planning. To alleviate these emotions, the website narrative centers on "Securing your future fertility." It empowers individuals to lead uncompromised lives filled with infinite opportunities by confidently navigating and controlling their fertility journey.
How can I create a powerful tension between informing, conversing and asking?
In this collection